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Old 15-07-2006, 06:14 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by andrewgrazier
Oh come on for **** sake. exhausts on your car isnt going to make that much of a difference apart from noise.
i have a crush bent exhaust and having a look at the bends id have to say i might have lost like maybe half a cm from the bend of the pipe. WOW thats right. why pay like double the price. a lot of normal steel pipes are now coated and turn black when the car heats up. it protects it from rusting.
if your going to spend $500 on your car i would seriously look at other options.
just remember... no matter what anyone says. when thye mean MORE POWER from your exhaust.. you might get 2kw more . if you keep your car clean n take out **** from the boot it might be acheaper option hehe
Wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong.

An exhaust on its own will remove restrictions. Depending on how restrictive your stock pipe is (usually quite), will depend on how much power a sports exhaust "adds". Crushbends are NOT overly that much better than your stock pipe (which is likely crush bent anyway), because they add turbulence which slows the gas escaping the system down. Alot. This reduces power, and gives the potential for the dreaded "backpressure". Half a CM is a stack.. and its not just hte amount of pipe size you are losing, its the severity of the bends that is bad.

Depending on the car - an exhaust could release substantial power. (i say "release" because it all comes back to the manifold/header - an exhaust itself doesnt so much "add" more power, but allows the gas to flow more freely.. its not actually adding anything more on its own)

Headers,if designed correctly can add even more.

Hell, tests have proven that a racing COLLECTOR (the last part in the header, usually overlooked) have added as much as 9kW to a V8 motor ON THEIR OWN.

Mandrel bends are not overly that much more expensive if in mild steel. I've never heard of this magical turning black compound that protects from rusting, usually HPC coating (which is satin black or polished aluminium in appearence, depending on what you ask for, and stays that colour no matter how hot or cold the stuff is as long as it never exceeds its operating temp) is applied to stop mild steel from rusting. Its not necissary to coat stainless in it, but many do because it keeps the heat in the pipe which - er, guess what? adds power. Not much, but a measureable amount at least.

Now, if you are having a chop at my "potential power figures" of course an exhaust wont do that on its own - its common sense. What i said is that a given pipe size will allow the motor to flow to a maximum power dependent on size before the pipe becomes a restriction again. You do, of course, need to do other mods to get it to this point.

To say "exhausts only add noise" only shows you dont really have much of an idea on how things work. A poorly designed crush bent system is going to add alot of noise for very minimal gains, yes. Time for you to do lots of reading about how things work i think....

Oh and, for the record - it is quite possible for a decent set of headers to add upto 20kW to a stock motor - maybe more. Try adding that much power to the car through other mods, and see how far you get with the stock pea shooter exhaust. Not very, i'd imagine.

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Last edited by LordWorm; 15-07-2006 at 06:19 PM.
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