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Old 22-10-2003, 02:47 PM   #95
KittyKatSmack's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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OK folks, sorry for the delays, I have really had a very VERY bad day today....
So far we stand like this:


rupewrecht & vix ~ Friday to Sunday ~ accom sorted

Dogo & grewvie ~ Saturday nite ~ accom not sorted MSN me please Dogo, you are welcome to use some space at my place

Cosmic Rod ~ Thursday to Sunday ~ accom not sorted I am hoping to find out where Critter and Odd Rod are staying so I can book you there..... sorry, worse come to worse, there is a lounge here with your name on it Shoot me now or shoot me later, just make sure I have had some alcoholic bevvies first????

Critter ~ Saturday to Sunday ~ accom sorted
Odd Rod ~ Saturday to Sunday ~ accom sorted
Jinx ~ Daytripper
Sik Mick ~ Daytripper
joely ~ Daytripper
Kar10w ~ Daytripper? are you carpooling with joely or someone?
bRaDiNh0 ~ Daytripper
Harry ~ Daytripper arvo is whenever you get here

aaron & I

Catchup with Cosmic Rod ~ we have day off work so np's there!

I am working until lunchtime ~ home after that.
We do a dinner somewhere with Rod, Dan, Vix, Tony (and his other half? Tony?) Aaron, myself and any of the Canberra locals that want to join in.

Pics, then Questacon, then BBQ, then more pics, then Oktoberfest

Pr0n for those that want it

What does everyone think?
We can ditch Questacon on Saturday in favour of more pics, pr0n or longer BBQ.

Aaron's mobile number, which you can contact me on most of the time, is:
0417 694 578
(I only posting his up because I leave mine behind, or in my bag, or upstairs or somewhere I'm not, LOL)

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