Thread: photoshop tips.
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Old 17-09-2012, 05:56 PM   #5
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Photoshop is massive to learn. I myself have about 80% of my degree done and still have no idea what I'm doing haha. I use layer masks, youtube that shiz, but for basic, shoot in RAW (Thats on your camera) your photo's will instantly improve.

What i do is i import in Bridge and open it in "CameraRAW" which will just open automatically in photoshop if its a raw photo. From that you can adjust your brightness, contrast, vibrance etc without losing all the properties like a JPG photo. So that means you can go back to the start if you fark up. JPG's just re-write over the top, which of course means loss of quality and lack of going back. Raw doesn't do this. Hence the bigger file size.

When in raw just play with the sliders and go to what ever looks good. I normally just up the brightness and contrast, change the vibrancy if needed and up the sharpness. Then i go crazy with layer masks. But the main raw part is the editing done.

If you want to know more specific things just ask me.

Last edited by Ben; 17-09-2012 at 05:58 PM.
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