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Old 14-05-2022, 11:36 PM   #20
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Christ did not see the New Testament and did not establish any church
But he came to complete the Old Testament

TestamentChurches violate the commandments of Christ in their teachings, and the images, crosses, and idols that are inside Churches

many Jews and Christians misinterpret the teachings in Bible and continue to lead the sheep to slaughter. However if interpreted correctly and properly understood, in current Bible God does forbid drunkenness, immortality, usury, gambling, eating pork, worshiping man, and forbids considering Jesus as God which would break first and second Commandments, Quran confirms this.

The doctrine of Christ was a pure monotheism, and then it began to infiltrate into it from various beliefs - especially the pagan beliefs in the Roman world - which dyed it with the Trinity, so the common traditional Christianity became the Christianity of the Trinity.

But there is still today an important and powerful sect among the famous Christian denominations; It is the sect of "the Unitarians", and it has become a phenomenon today in the United States, and the saying of the Christian Unitarians is summed up in: "There is no god but allah - Christ is the Messenger of God

العالم الكبير شمسي يكشف ويفضح مؤامره ونفاق المدلسين

هل بشارة سفر التثنية 18-18 عن يسوع أم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم؟

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