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kemicalx 22-06-2004 08:43 PM

Bolt on low boost kits for the 1.8lt SOHC motor?
Now before i have 50 of you jumping in and crying BPT BPD GTX GTR!!! I'm telling you to stop and listen to me :p

Have any of you seen bolt on kits to fit these motors? i found these mazda ones, i'm simply wondering because it would be a bit diferent than the normal BPT conversion, even if the BPT would produce more power, and be cheaper in the end... It's still cool to try diferent things :) i know a guy on the OCAU forums that got one of these kits (suited to his civic) and it now puts out about 120kw @ wheels running low boost, imo thay isn't too shabby.

Cosmo Dude 22-06-2004 09:56 PM

Only issue I'd have is with what they call a '90 protege (SOHC or DOHC) and the lack of ignition components, even for a 6psi kit.

BigBoyLemonade 23-06-2004 09:24 AM

well remember you have a BP block but not the DOHC head, the SOHC doesnt breath that well but they are so fuel economical its not funny! I got 580kms out of 40litres on a trip to melboure.

Custom is the only way to go, none of the DOHC bits will fit on the SOHC cause the head is different dimensions

fruitbat38 23-06-2004 02:11 PM

Hmm. According to their power increase for Protege Extreme Turbo Kits you can expect 56% power increase. Using Nate's Dyno run as example (58kw atw stock). Turbo output would be (58 * 1.56 = 90.5 kw atw).

I'd be happy with that.. but price looks like US$2799 ~approx. $4076 aussie dollars.

Yeh thats cheaper, but not cheap enough for me.

BigMal 23-06-2004 03:45 PM

Drop in a BPT for $1000 leave your stock exhaust and you will only run 5-7psi
and you could even try keeping the stock ecu and run a rising rate fuel reg to
increase when on boost or an piggyback unit.

platypus 23-06-2004 04:03 PM


kemicalx 24-06-2004 10:02 AM

heheh i knew someone wouldn't be able to help themselves Mal :p

Do you think the motor could handle the low boost if running a fmic and avoid detonation? it seems most engines can take low boost turbos without a compression lowering. But that doesn't mean this one will.

JynX 24-06-2004 11:32 AM

the point is why bother?

$1000K for a turbo/manifold setup to suit your SOHC motor or $1000 for a DOHC purpose built turbo motor.

Your an idiot if you go for the first option.

kemicalx 24-06-2004 12:29 PM

theres nothing stupid about trying diferent things.... and your the idiot if you think diferently :roll:

I'm not trying to say that a turbo'd sohc is going to be better than the bpt conversion, however the bpt has been done many times and it's limits are pretty well known (about 200 +/-10 fwKW) to my knowledge no one has tried doing anything with the sohc motor and it would good for interests sake, and individuality to give it a shot.

SehnKhan 24-06-2004 12:54 PM

Pump the right dollars in and it can be done, but it begs the question why? Individuality I can understand, but you would be attempting something that won't pull the same power, and has not been done nearly as often as a straight BPT so the results may vary dramatically.

Put it this way, why invest more money into a project where you don't know what the results are going to be like, and a project that not many people have tried before hence the reliability of the package cannot be confirmed.

It's not stupid to try new things, but when it comes down to it, do you want something that is a tried and tested platform (BPT) or plunder heaps of money into a custom job all in the name of individuality and risk it all falling in a heap (SOHC block). And the price of the turbo kits you posted up is quite high :|

By all means, if you have the money and technical no how to do the SOHC block, then go for it. If thats what you want.

JynX 24-06-2004 01:14 PM

Sure theres nothing stupid about it..... if its worthwhile.

The BPT motor can product alot more then 200kwatw, just finding a driveline which will put that power to the ground that is the issue.

We would rather see you spend the money wisely and enjoy a better package. In the end, its your money. Do what you want.

BigMal 24-06-2004 03:07 PM

To all the people who think I cant read or cant help myself with saying BPT
you have your opinion and I have my opinion of you too.
I respect different cars otherwise why the hell would I have turbo'd my
Astina when no-one else had done it. If you want to turbo your SOHC by
all means go ahead. And if you are willing to pay big bucks to do it go
ahead. What I was telling you was that the GTX whilst not the only solution
is the most economical solution. If James can put his money where
his mouth is and put together a package with manifold, turbo, lower
compression, larger injectors, rising rate regulator as well as water and oil
lines for the turbo for $1000 please do so.
As for extra respect by doing something different well if you pay double the
money for half the potential output I cant see that happening but you think
what you will.

BigMal 29-06-2004 10:53 AM

The ford laser guys thrashed this out a bit too. Couple of interesting points about
actually doing the SOHC for you. For us the maths still point to the BPT cause they
are so easy to get but for the US they aren't so some have done the conversion.
Also bear in mind the price I got quoted from SSS for just turbo and manifold was
$600. I will have a VJ20 for sale in couple of months for $200 if you could source
a manifold for around $50 off fordlaser you will be way infront of that.



kemicalx 26-07-2004 05:34 PM

Thanks for the link Mal, sorry about the delayed reply lol. Here are a few pictures of a turboed SOHC if anyone is interested.

kemicalx 26-07-2004 05:44 PM

That motor was running 11psi (not intercooled :?) unsure of the internals, but i think they were standard. Check out the AFM position, weird.

Original Thread is here -

BigMal 26-07-2004 06:35 PM

I have seen quite a NZ guys running the AFM in that position after the I/C. Its and interesting
idea in principle you get post I/C temp reading by the afm plus a boost cut that allows for
pressure drop over you piping etc etc. The down side is with the reversion of air off pedal if
the BOV doesn't vent enough air the reversion will cause the AFM to close causing both a
restriction and also a lean condition by means of a reduced air signal by the vane closing.
I personally wouldn't run anything over 3-5psi without and I/C think about it if a manufacturer
puts and i/c on cars running 7psi for longgevity and a factory I/C can be had for very
few $ then you would really be a fool not to use one.

kemicalx 26-07-2004 07:22 PM

Yer if i decide to go with this SOHC turbo idea i'll definatly get an ic, not sure whether i'd go FM or TM you turbo kit thats for sale is very tempting ;)

Cosmo Dude 26-07-2004 07:45 PM

Depending on the boost it is your option if you want to install an intercooler first up or wait a while and sort out the turbo install first while you save the bucks for an intercooler. For a boost of upto 7-8psi then a modified Rx-7 cooler will save you heaps while not screeming out I'm a turbo, take me on or I'm modified, pull me over

BigMal 26-07-2004 07:50 PM

Going top mount without the appropriate hole in the bonnet is a very bad idea. A front mount
or even a side mount with ducting ala a gtx setup is much better & effecient setup.

kemicalx 26-07-2004 09:12 PM

mmmk, though if i was to go top mount i would get a scoop put on the bonnet.

I'm trying to get a hold of the bloke in the US that did you turbo work on his SOHC. i want to have a good chat about exactly what he has done to the motor.

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